The Great Irish Connection
Last month, I was shown an Irish Guards Company colour, and as a former Scots Guards officer, I was intrigued by its connection to the Great Bustard. Delving into the...
We have been trying fat-washing our spirits. This is a technique used to infuse rich, savory flavours into cocktails perfect for crafting a unique, velvety martini. This process involves mixing...
Juniper on the Move!
Last month, 25 of our homegrown juniper saplings packed their bags (okay, roots) and set off on an exciting adventure! They were carefully taken by the Great Bustard Conservation Group...
For those who are unaware this is THE hardest rowing race anywhere in the world! The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge is one of the world’s toughest rowing races, pushing participants...
History of the Hot Toddy
The hot toddy has a rich history that blends cultural influences, practical remedies, and evolving tastes. Here's an overview of its origins and development: Origins in India The term "toddy"...
The Negroni vs. Sbagliato
The Negroni has earned its place as a sophisticated favorite on bar menus worldwide. According to legend, the ruby-red cocktail originated in 1919 at Caffè Casoni in Florence, Italy, when...
Mushroom Gin
Yup - you have read correctly! This year behind the scenes I have been working with James to create a mushroom gin.............................. This latest edition "California Dreamin' gin'," is a...
Partnerships & Sustainability
There are many moving parts to running a business and one element is always at the forefront of every business, which involves sustainability and recycling. What you may not know...
Wiltshire History - The Lost City of Verlucio
Wiltshire was home to an ancient Roman settlement called Verlucio, located near the village of Sandy Lane (North of Devizes). While not much remains of Verlucio today, it was once...
IWSC reveals shortlist for its 2024 Green Spirit Initiative
Since 2022, the IWSC has been awarding its annual Green Spirit Initiative Trophy. This prestigious Trophy recognises the multitude of considerate distillation and spirit production practices underway across the world.This...
Cranborne Chase
Cranborne Chase, home to Downton Distillery is a large area of chalk downland and ancient woodland spanning parts of Dorset, Wiltshire, and Hampshire in southern England. It covers approximately 983...
Environmental Programme Wins Big
Downton Distillery has been honoured with an International Green Apple Environment Award, celebrating its commitment to environmental best practices on a global scale.Competing against over 1,200 nominees in the International...
Celebrity Spirits
Celebrity spirits are trending hard and furiously at the minute. Celebrities enter the spirits industry for a mix of business and personal reasons, and the quality of these products varies....
Vermouth, a fortified wine flavoured with various botanicals, has a rich and varied history that spans several centuries. The creation of modern vermouth is credited to the Italians, specifically in...
'One of the Best Releases in the last 12 months.'
Downton Distillery partnered with the Great Bustard Group to create 'Great Bustard Gin,' earlier this year. With each bottle sold, Downton Distillery gives 25 per cent of the money back...
The Father of all Foods
Great Bustard Gin uses Alfalfa (Lucerne) and Red Clover as the back bone to the gin. The Romans called them the 'Father of all plants' because of their high nutritional...
Fall of Bird Song
Were you aware of the decline in bird song across the country? There has been a significant decline in many songbird populations over the past few decades. For example, according...
Conservation - Rewilding Juniper
Thank you to those who continue to support our conservation work. One of our projects is the rewilding of Juniper. To date we have two groves / colonies, with twenty...
The Last Wiltshire Life Awards
Last Friday was a bittersweet evening tinged with joy and sadness. The evening was Wiltshire’s answer to the Oscars, just more countrified with a little less paparazzi. It was the...
The Antartic Fire Angels
One of the planet’s last great untouched wildernesses, the South Pole has long been the crowning jewel of polar exploration. Since Scott, Shackleton and Amundsen first attempted to find a...
London Drizzle
Following the success of both Asian Parsnip and American Mustard, we were asked to create something new for James May. Challenges to date have included a unique botanical, the clue...
Conservation - The Great Bustard
During the 19th Century, the Great Bustard was hunted to extinction. For over 20 years, the Great Bustard Group has proved that this magnificent bird can thrive in Britain, once...
Chalke Valley History Festival
Every year a wonderful festival happens in the village of Broad Chalke just over the hill from the distillery. From humble origins in 2011 it has grown, now covering a 70-acre...
The Peregrines of Salisbury Cathedral
Peregrine falcons returned to Salisbury Cathedral in 2014, having been absent for over 60 years. Since then 27 chicks have fledged in the South tower of the Cathedral. The chicks...