Refills can be purchased at Downton Brewery, Dark Revolution Brewery (Old Sarum Airfield), Healthy Living (Devizes) & Regent Tailoring in Salisbury.



During the Prohibition era in the United States, the Martini gained popularity due to its strong flavor and ability to mask the taste of bootlegged alcohol. It became the iconic symbol of rebellion and sophistication.

  • Rhubarb Sour, Cocktail, Great Bustard Gin, Wiltshire, Downton, Sour


    We love rhubarb, especially during the forced rhubarb season, which runs from January to early March, peaking in February. Grown in dark, heated sheds in the famous Yorkshire Rhubarb Triangle...

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  • Grapefruit Hot Toddy, Downton Distillery

    Grapefruit & Ginger Hot Toddy

    This is a cocktail that’s perfect for surviving the last stretch of winter: the Grapefruit & Ginger Hot Toddy. This cozy drink is ideal for chilly weather, offering the comforting...

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  • Pear Gin Fizz, Downton Distillery

    Pear Gin Fizz

    Pears are the perfect autumn fruit, and their delicate sweetness pairs wonderfully with the herbal notes of our Great Bustard Gin. The warming spices of star anise and cardamom, along...

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  • Aperol, Sour, Cocktail, Downton Distillery, Downton, Summer


    Aperol is a liqueur made from a blend of bitter and sweet oranges, herbs, and spices. It has a distinctive flavour profile that is both citrusy and slightly bitter. At...

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  • Bushwacker Cocktail, Chocolate and nuts


    With Easter upon us, we wanted to create something different celebrating both chocolate and our Hazelnut Vodka. Initially we started using the Hazelnut Alexander as a base, but research took...

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  • Negroni Sour

    Negroni Sour

    History informs us that drink originated from Caffe Casoni in Florence, Italy in 1919. Legend tells that Count Camillo Negroni asked his friend, bartender Forsco Scarselli, to strengthen his favourite...

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  • Hazelnut Alexander

    Hazelnut Alexander

    This is another brand-new cocktail created by the talented Ben Morley. It is a twist on the Brandy Alexander, using our Hazelnut Vodka. This has been created for Christmas and...

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  • Virgina Creeper, Ben Moley, Blackberry, Orange Liqeuer

    Virginia Creeper

    Designed last month, this is a brand-new cocktail created by the talented Ben Morley a part time mixologist, who came to the distillery to both visit and create a series...

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  • Cocktail, Downton Distillery, Apple Cinnamon Smash

    Spiced Apple Ginger Smash

    With evenings closing in, this is a great autumnal signature serve using cider, freshly picked apples with the warming tones of cinnamon. A ‘smash’ involves both muddling and shaking the...

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  • Rocket & Fennel Gimlet

    Rocket & Fennel Gimlet

    Our garden has provided a lot this year in terms of fruit and vegetables. This cocktail celebrates two of these, fennel and wild rockets. This is like the ‘Rocket Gimlet’...

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  • Angelo Azzurro, Negroni, Downton Distillery, Cocktail

    Angelo Azzurro

    This was created at Dante, 104-year-old Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village, New York. The heritage of the cocktail is from two different Italian cocktail classics, the Negroni and the Angelo...

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  • Gin, Rosé & Red Berry Daiquiri

    Rosé & Red Berry Daiquiri

    Summer is the perfect time to enjoy fresh English fruits and what better way to do that than supporting your local fruit farm by picking berries yourself (or get them...

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  • Chardonnay Vodka, Oyster Martini, Downton Distillery, Shell, Wiltshire, World Vodka

    Oyster Martini

    Time to be adventurous and try something new outside your comfort zone? The Oyster Martini has become the vibiest cocktail of 2023. We know that you can pair shell fish...

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  • Cocktail, Spiced Lady, Citrus, Chili, Downton, Wiltshire

    Spiced Lady

    Sour style cocktails are a balance of citrus, spirits and a sugar syrup making it the perfect summer drink. They are versatile and you can change the balance to your...

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  • Chocolate Martini

    Chocolate Martini

    With Easter upon us, surrounded by Chocolate eggs we thought it would be a natural fit to celebrate the Chocolate Martini. The consumption of fermented cacao is much more recent...

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  • Raspberry Gimlet, Explorers Gin, Wiltshire, Downton

    Raspberry Gimlet

    Raspberry Gimlet Recipe This is another twist on the gimlet and uses four ingredients. It is a light cocktail perfect to celebrate valentines’ day or enjoy in the summer with...

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  • Hot Toddy, Winter, Cocktail, Explorer's Gin, Downton Distillery

    Hot Toddy

    The hot toddy is one of the easiest cocktails to help you banish those winter blues. It's a warm sweet drink that you will be craving all winter, especially on...

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  • Cocktail, Negroni, Chocolate, Downton Distillery

    Chocolate Negroni

    This is a twist on the classic negroni. For those that do not know the Negroni, it is to this decade what the Cosmopolitan was to the '90s—a zeitgeist (spirit...

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  • Autumn, Cocktail, Explorer's Gin, Cider, Downton Distillery

    Autumnal Apple

    Our Autumnal cocktail is a cider styled gin sour. The original cocktail was created by Chris Chamberlain a lead mixologist at Elixir Craft Cocktails. He used freshly pressed cider which...

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  • Gin Gin Mule, Downton Distillery, Lime, Cocktail

    Gin Gin Mule

    This gingery, minty wonder was originally created by Audrey Saunders as a gateway gin drink for vodka lovers. But over the years, the Gin-Gin Mule has become much more—a symbol...

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  • Queen's Platinum Jubilee Martini

    Queen's Platinum Jubilee Martini

    The Dubonnet cocktail is designed to showcase the finest gin you have in the bar. Originally an un-garnished cocktail from the 1930s, it is now served with a twist of...

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  • Elderflower, Cucumber and Mint Spritz

    Elderflower, Cucumber and Mint Spritz

    Soaking up the sun means socializing, and socializing means needing some serious refreshments. What drink is more suitable for being a social butterfly than a Spritz? Spritz drinks tend to...

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  • White Lady Explorers Gin

    The White Lady

    The ‘White Lady’ was created for Zelda Fitzgerald at The American Bar, Savoy Hotel in the 1920s and named after her platinum blonde hair. Zelda Fitzgerald was an American socialite,...

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  • Hanky Panky Cocktail Getty images

    Hanky Panky

    The Hanky Panky cocktail is a gin martini, balanced between sweet and bitter with herbal flavours. The Hanky Panky cocktail was invented by Ada Coleman, known as “Coley.” Coley was...

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