Refills can be purchased at Downton Brewery, Dark Revolution Brewery (Old Sarum Airfield), Healthy Living (Devizes) & Regent Tailoring in Salisbury.

UK Spirits Alliance Award

The UK Spirits Alliance Award

Earlier this year we switched our focus from making gin to creating hand sanitiser for our local communities. This switch saw the distillery support local front-line services, schools, care homes, those sheltering and allowed local businesses to remain open whilst providing essential services into their own communities. Hand sanitiser went to London, Guildford, Hampshire, Dorset, Norfolk, and even to Scotland. A Covid-19 dashboard was created informing people where hand sanitiser could be found whilst also providing quick links to both regional and NHS resources.

But the story is not about the distillery, it is about the wonderful team who helped identify those in need and get stock to them. There was a huge amount of planning behind the scenes, trying to find scarce supplies. Often companies would try and profiteer on their pricing but there were other companies who remained honest and true (hairdressers) helping when it mattered most. The volumes were often made in the early hours of the morning when most people were still sleeping, as it was easier to travel in the early hours. These were then delivered to the shops and businesses as soon as their doors opened in the morning.

Jules and Zoe heros of Downton Lockdown

Hand sanitiser was freely available at the GourmetGrocer, Dark Revolution Brewery, Hale Post Office, Woodgreen Post Office, The Rose Pub, Coombe Bisset Village shop, Luc Fine Foods of Romsey, Philglas & Swiggot Wine Shops, Moxons Fresh Fish, Hamish Johnston Cheese Shop, Tierra Verde and Puttenham. The teams in each location ensured their own clients and locals were kept safe.

There was also a group of very special ladies who went above and beyond. They manned the hand sanitiser station and did home deliveries to those shielding. Without the help of Zoe, Jules, Sasha, and Susie a lot of what was achieved would not have been possible.

Thank you to everyone who helped and this award is for you as well, as working together we were able to both protect and shield those within our communities and it is our communities that in turn support us.

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