Refills can be purchased at Downton Brewery, Dark Revolution Brewery (Old Sarum Airfield), Healthy Living (Devizes) & Regent Tailoring in Salisbury.



During the Prohibition era in the United States, the Martini gained popularity due to its strong flavor and ability to mask the taste of bootlegged alcohol. It became the iconic symbol of rebellion and sophistication.

  • Angelo Azzurro, Negroni, Downton Distillery, Cocktail

    Angelo Azzurro

    This was created at Dante, 104-year-old Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village, New York. The heritage of the cocktail is from two different Italian cocktail classics, the Negroni and the Angelo...

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  • Chardonnay Vodka, Oyster Martini, Downton Distillery, Shell, Wiltshire, World Vodka

    Oyster Martini

    Time to be adventurous and try something new outside your comfort zone? The Oyster Martini has become the vibiest cocktail of 2023. We know that you can pair shell fish...

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  • Cocktail, Negroni, Chocolate, Downton Distillery

    Chocolate Negroni

    This is a twist on the classic negroni. For those that do not know the Negroni, it is to this decade what the Cosmopolitan was to the '90s—a zeitgeist (spirit...

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  • Vesper Martini, Downton Distillery

    Vesper Martini

    Ian Fleming, the author of the famous James Bond books, invented the vesper cocktail in his 1953 novel, Casino Royale. James Bond 007 ordered the martini in the film whilst...

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  • Samphire Martini, Downton Distillery

    Samphire Martini

    This martini sounds a bit unusual but is similar to the classic dirty Martini. As samphire is just coming into season in the UK, we couldn’t help but experiment with...

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  • Nick Nora Left Bank Cocktail

    Left Bank Martini

    This Martini reminds me of spring, it is light, fresh and puts some zing into your step. It was created by Simon Difford at the Cabinet Room in London for...

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  • Hanky Panky Cocktail Getty images

    Hanky Panky

    The Hanky Panky cocktail is a gin martini, balanced between sweet and bitter with herbal flavours. The Hanky Panky cocktail was invented by Ada Coleman, known as “Coley.” Coley was...

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