Refills can be purchased at Downton Brewery, Dark Revolution Brewery (Old Sarum Airfield), Healthy Living (Devizes) & Regent Tailoring in Salisbury.

Building Towards the Future


It's is not easy being green, everyone leaves a carbon footprint.

Running a distillery comes with its fair share of challenges, but for small distilleries, the balance between craft production, tight budgets, and environmental responsibility makes sustainability even trickier. Sourcing sustainable botanicals like juniper is becoming harder due to habitat loss, while waste management, from spent botanicals to packaging, adds another layer of complexity—especially for those aiming for zero waste.



Did you know that two of England’s smallest birds love Juniper? The Goldcrest and Wren love the dense cover of juniper branches using them to nest and stay safe from predators.  


Scaling up eco-friendly practices, such as recycled glass, renewable energy, and ethical sourcing, is costly and logistically demanding. Yet, many small distilleries are pioneering innovative, sustainable solutions. So, what is Downton doing to lead the way?

  • Created a bottle for life programme.
  • Created a wilding environment around the distillery.
  • Educate through events and courses.
  • Improve the amount of recycled glass that is used within our bottles.
  • Use green energy within the distillery.
  • Measure and start reducing our carbon footprint to zero using Emitwise.
  • Measure and reduce our plastic footprint.
  • Helping protect and nuture our environment.
  • Reduce our waste (bottles, materials, bi-products, packaging).
  • Reduce water wastage.
  • Rewild juniper on the Wiltshire Downs and on the vineyard.
  • Responsible consumption and production.
  • Source responsibly & ethically.
  • Use of environmentally friendly materials.
  • Use recyclable packaging.
  • Waste - esnure recycled correctly through partnerships.


LUCERNE / Alfalfa

Used in our Great Bustard Gin, Lucerne has a deep root system (up to 15m!), making it drought-resistant and a natural soil enricher. As a legume, lucerne fixes nitrogen in the soil, reconditioning the soil.

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