Refills can be purchased at Downton Brewery, Dark Revolution Brewery (Old Sarum Airfield), Healthy Living (Devizes) & Regent Tailoring in Salisbury.


You have an idea.

What do you need to do to succeed?


In the last couple of years there has been a shift within the younger generation (millennials) promoting healthier lifestyles, this is reflected on Instagram. This in turn has led to an attitude adjustment towards excessive drinking but at the same time it has provided an opportunity to brands. Brands have quickly identified that the millennials want to show off their good tastes and the quality of their products.

Consumers now take pride in the brands that they buy. Because of this, they want to understand a brand’s purpose, personality and what sets it apart from others before they will be willing to invest in a brand. They have more power than ever with the wide range of products available to them.

Understanding their needs and telling a compelling story is vital to staying ahead of your competition. They will consider how your product is made, where it is produced and how it was sourced. They will want to know about your packaging is it ethical and can it be recycled.

The rise of green credentials and B Corps certification is changing how brands also interact with each other.


Packing is crucial to your success. If a consumer likes the packaging, they will be more likely to both purchase and enjoy the product.


No offence is intended but every brand's narrative begins with their place of origin, highlights their unique heritage and traditions used in making their product alongside their USP. This ties all ties into their final product. Today it must be more than that.


As a brand you must now think differently and work that much harder to gain your customers’ trust. It is no longer just about selling your bottle, there is an experience that must be taken into consideration. It is about matching your customers desire to a specific product and embracing your design to influence their perception to your brand.

Discover your why?


I recall sitting in a studio in 2017 looking at an array of spirits stretching across the backwall. The number of bottles, shapes, colours and sizes was staggering. I sat in awe feeling speechless.


The course soon started, and the opening line was one I will never forget.


“Why should the customer care about you? Look behind you, those brands are already established and selling their products within the marketplace. What is going to make you different? What is going to make you stand out in the crowd?" 

Since then the market has continued to grow unabated with new brands trying to establish themselves within a saturated marketplace. If you want to succeed, you need to answer that question.


Before your bottle can tell its story, it must evoke a reaction from the customer. Packaging can communicate your brand’s core principles, story, and show its quality. Appearing more premium supports a quality promise and can set you apart from your competitors.  

Your logo, colours, typography are all elements of your packaging, think how they all connect. Consumers will be influenced by your packaging design, bottle shape and textures, how does it feel in the hand.

Think about the following

  • Does my packaging standout next to competitors?
  • Who else has a design similar to mine?
  • What does my packaging say about the profile and quality of my product?
  • Does it tell my story and express who we are?
  • Does my packaging relate to my customer’s beliefs and lifestyle?

Your future customers will be driven by price and product image. By creating something strong you will hopefully create that connection that resonates with your intended customer.


There are plenty of agencies out there and they will all help you, that is their job. The question is how much money are you willing to pay for their services? Prices can range from £300 to £25,000 and more does not equate to success. Some of the worlds most iconic brand made their logos and designs for less than £100. These include Google, Nike, Twitter, Coke and Microsoft. Spend your money wisely.


Useful Links and Contacts:
  • 99 Designs: Is a freelancer platform for connecting graphic designers and clients.
  • Up Work: Connects businesses of all sizes to freelancers, independent professionals, and agencies.
  • Fiverr: online marketplace for freelance services.

Throwing money at the issue is not going to answer the question, sure it will help. Customers have wised up to brands pretending to be craft, micro, 4th generational distiller (contract), be honest with them and open about your approach. There are some wonderful brands out there to take inspiration from, I did and continue to do so.

Connect with your customers, their  lifestyles and deliver to your promises. Continual improvement will be required for success as competitors continue to raise the bar, whilst space with both Independents and Retail Chains will become tighter and harder. Strive to be the best.

Small Seperator, Downton Distillery, Wiltshire
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