Refills can be purchased at Downton Brewery, Dark Revolution Brewery (Old Sarum Airfield), Healthy Living (Devizes) & Regent Tailoring in Salisbury.



During the Prohibition era in the United States, the Martini gained popularity due to its strong flavor and ability to mask the taste of bootlegged alcohol. It became the iconic symbol of rebellion and sophistication.

  • Spring Review of Gin Market

    Spring Review of Gin Market

    This was published on Gin Foundry With the promise of Spring budding on every tree branch (not that we can get to with all the self isolation) and the interminable...

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  • Bath Farmers market

    Bath Farmers Market

    Explorer's Gin can now be found at the 'Bath Farmers Market' every Saturday. The market can be found in the old railway station. This beautiful building was built in 1870...

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  • Salisbury Christmas Market

    Salisbury Christmas Market

    Explorer's Gin launched at the Salisbury Christmas Market 2018. The first two batches of 180 bottles were sold within two days, much faster than anticipated. In total 17 batches were...

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